In Portugal, there is a special regime prepared to support Investment Projects considered of National Interest (PIN) <>(Decree-Law no. 154/2013, of 5 November), which contributes for closer proximity and a faster and more efficient procedures related to public entities and central and local administration.
In addition, there is also a special regime for Investment Projects for the Interior (PII), according to (Decree-Law No. 111/2018 , of December 11), in order to promote the creation of a favorable context for private investment in the interior.
STREAM evaluates the alignment of the project as PIN or PII project, then, if applicable, writes and submit the application. At the same time, interacts with the evaluation committee and assigned manager, aiming for the success of the project's qualification with the PIN or PII status.
STREAM has extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of various sectors and is in a privileged position to understand the market, both nationally and internationally, and to better advise clients, who consider Portugal as an investment destination.